Murphys Laws: Ashley-Perry Statistical Axioms to Baker's Law

(Murphy's Laws collected: 1583)

Ashley-Perry Statistical Axioms : The product of an arithmetical computation is the answer to an equation; it is not the solution to a problem.
Ashley-Perry Statistical Axioms : Arithmetical proofs of theorems that do not have arithmetical bases prove nothing.
Astrology Law : It's always the wrong time of the month.
Fourteenth Corollary of Atwood's General Law of Dynamic Negatives : No books are lost by loaning except those you particularly wanted to keep.
Avery's Rule of Three : Trouble strikes in series of threes, but when working around the house the next job after a series of three is not the fourth job -- it's the start of a brand new series of three.
Babcock's Law : If it can be borrowed and it can be broken, you will borrow it and you will break it.
Baer's Quartet : What's good politics is bad economics; what's bad politics is good economics; what's good economics is bad politics; what's bad economics is good politics.
Bagdikian's Law of Editor's Speeches : The splendor of an editor's speech and the splendor of his newspaper are inversely related to the distance between the city in which he makes his speech and the city in which he publishes his paper.
Baker's Byroad : When you are over the hill, you pick up speed.
Baker's Law : Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it.

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Next : Baldy's Law, Barber's Laws of Backpacking, Barber's Laws of Backpacking, Barber's Laws of Backpacking, Barber's Laws of Backpacking, Barber's Laws of Backpacking, Barber's Laws of Backpacking, Barber's Laws of Backpacking, Barber's Laws of Backpacking, Barber's Laws of Backpacking
Previous : Laws of Applied Confusion Corollaries, Laws of Applied Confusion Corollaries, Approval Seeker's Law, The Aquinas Axiom, Army Axiom, Army Law, Ashley-Perry Statistical Axioms, Ashley-Perry Statistical Axioms, Ashley-Perry Statistical Axioms, Ashley-Perry Statistical Axioms
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