Murphys Laws: Gumperson's Proof to Harden's Law

(Murphy's Laws collected: 1583)

Gumperson's Proof : The most undesirable things are the most certain (death and taxes).
Guthman's Law of Media : Thirty seconds on the evening news is worth a front page headline in every newspaper in the world.
Hacker's Law : The belief that enhanced understanding will necessarily stir a nation or an organization to action is one of mankind's oldest illusions.
Hacker's Law of Personnel : Anyone having supervisory responsibility for the completion of a task will invariably protest that more resources are needed.
Hagerty's Law : If you lose your temper at a newspaper columnist, he'll get rich or famous or both.
Haldane's Law : The Universe is not only queerer than we imagine, it is queerer than we CAN imagine.
Hale's Rule : The sumptuousnss of a company's annual report is in inverse proportion to its profitability that year.
Hall's Law : There is a statistical correlation between the number of initials in an Englishman's name and his social class (the upper class having significantly more than three names, while members of the lower class average 2.6).
Halpern's Observation : That tendency to err that programmers have been noticed to share with other human beings has often been treated as if it were an awkwardness attendant upon programming's adolescence, which like acne would disappear with the craft's coming of age. It has proved otherwise.
Harden's Law : Every time you come up with a terrific idea, you find that someone else thought of it first.

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Next : Hardin's Law, Harper's Magazine's Law, Harris's Lament, Harris's Law, Harris's Restaurant Paradox, Harrison's Postulate, Hartig's How Is Good Old Bill? We're Divorced Law, Hartig's Sleeve in the Cup, Thumb in the Butter Law, Hartley's Law, Hartley's Second Law
Previous : Gross's Law, Grossman's Misquote, Gummidge's Law, Gumperson's Law, Gumperson's Law Corollaries, Gumperson's Law Corollaries, Gumperson's Law Corollaries, Gumperson's Law Corollaries, Gumperson's Law Corollaries, Gumperson's Law Corollaries
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