Vocabulary : Banking to Banned

Banking : of Bank ;; The business of a bank or of a banker.
Bankrupt : A trader who secretes himself, or does certain other acts tending to defraud his creditors. ;; A trader who becomes unable to pay his debts; an insolvent trader; popularly, any person who is unable to pay his debts; an insolvent person. ;; A person who, in accordance with the terms of a law relating to bankruptcy, has been judicially declared to be unable to meet his liabilities. ;; Being a bankrupt or in a condition of bankruptcy; unable to pay, or legally discharged from paying, one's debts; as, a bankrupt merchant. ;; Depleted of money; not having the means of meeting pecuniary liabilities; as, a bankrupt treasury. ;; Relating to bankrupts and bankruptcy. ;; Destitute of, or wholly wanting (something once possessed, or something one should possess). ;; To make bankrupt; to bring financial ruin upon; to impoverish.
Bankruptcies : of Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy : The state of being actually or legally bankrupt. ;; The act or process of becoming a bankrupt. ;; Complete loss; -- followed by of.
Bankrupted : of Bankrupt
Bankrupting : of Bankrupt
Bankside : The slope of a bank, especially of the bank of a steam.
Bank-sided : Having sides inclining inwards, as a ship; -- opposed to wall-sided.
Banlieue : The territory without the walls, but within the legal limits, of a town or city.
Banned : of Ban
Next : Banner, Bannered, Banneret, Bannerol, Banning, Bannition, Bannock, Banns, Banquet, Banqueted
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