Vocabulary : Banner to Banqueted

Banner : A kind of flag attached to a spear or pike by a crosspiece, and used by a chief as his standard in battle. ;; A large piece of silk or other cloth, with a device or motto, extended on a crosspiece, and borne in a procession, or suspended in some conspicuous place. ;; Any flag or standard; as, the star-spangled banner.
Bannered : Furnished with, or bearing, banners.
Banneret : Originally, a knight who led his vassals into the field under his own banner; -- commonly used as a title of rank. ;; A title of rank, conferred for heroic deeds, and hence, an order of knighthood; also, the person bearing such title or rank. ;; A civil officer in some Swiss cantons. ;; A small banner.
Bannerol : A banderole; esp. a banner displayed at a funeral procession and set over the tomb. See Banderole.
Banning : of Ban
Bannition : The act of expulsion.
Bannock : A kind of cake or bread, in shape flat and roundish, commonly made of oatmeal or barley meal and baked on an iron plate, or griddle; -- used in Scotland and the northern counties of England.
Banns : Notice of a proposed marriage, proclaimed in a church, or other place prescribed by law, in order that any person may object, if he knows of just cause why the marriage should not take place.
Banquet : A feast; a sumptuous entertainment of eating and drinking; often, a complimentary or ceremonious feast, followed by speeches. ;; A dessert; a course of sweetmeats; a sweetmeat or sweetmeats. ;; To treat with a banquet or sumptuous entertainment of food; to feast. ;; To regale one's self with good eating and drinking; to feast. ;; To partake of a dessert after a feast.
Banqueted : of Banquet
Next : Banqueting, Banquette, Banquetter, Banshee, Banshie, Bansshee, Banstickle, Bantam, Bantam work, Banteng
Previous : Banking, Bankrupt, Bankruptcies, Bankruptcy, Bankrupted, Bankrupting, Bankside, Bank-sided, Banlieue, Banned
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