Vocabulary : Bareheaded to Bargain

Bareheaded : Alt. of Barehead
Barelegged : Having the legs bare.
Barely : Without covering; nakedly. ;; Without concealment or disguise. ;; Merely; only. ;; But just; without any excess; with nothing to spare ( of quantity, time, etc.); hence, scarcely; hardly; as, there was barely enough for all; he barely escaped.
Barenecked : Having the neck bare.
Bareness : The state of being bare.
Baresark : A Berserker, or Norse warrior who fought without armor, or shirt of mail. Hence, adverbially: Without shirt of mail or armor.
Baresthesiometer : An instrument for determining the delicacy of the sense of pressure.
Barfish : Same as Calico bass.
Barful : Full of obstructions.
Bargain : An agreement between parties concerning the sale of property; or a contract by which one party binds himself to transfer the right to some property for a consideration, and the other party binds himself to receive the property and pay the consideration. ;; An agreement or stipulation; mutual pledge. ;; A purchase; also ( when not qualified), a gainful transaction; an advantageous purchase; as, to buy a thing at a bargain. ;; The thing stipulated or purchased; also, anything bought cheap. ;; To make a bargain; to make a contract for the exchange of property or services; -- followed by with and for; as, to bargain with a farmer for a cow. ;; To transfer for a consideration; to barter; to trade; as, to bargain one horse for another.
Next : Bargained, Bargainee, Bargainer, Bargaining, Bargainor, Barge, Bargeboard, Bargecourse, Bargee, Bargeman
Previous : Barebone, Bared, Barefaced, Barefacedly, Barefacedness, Barefoot, Barefooted, Barege, Barehanded, Barehead
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