Vocabulary : Bargained to Bargeman

Bargained : of Bargain
Bargainee : The party to a contract who receives, or agrees to receive, the property sold.
Bargainer : One who makes a bargain; -- sometimes in the sense of bargainor.
Bargaining : of Bargain
Bargainor : One who makes a bargain, or contracts with another; esp., one who sells, or contracts to sell, property to another.
Barge : A pleasure boat; a vessel or boat of state, elegantly furnished and decorated. ;; A large, roomy boat for the conveyance of passengers or goods; as, a ship's barge; a charcoal barge. ;; A large boat used by flag officers. ;; A double-decked passenger or freight vessel, towed by a steamboat. ;; A large omnibus used for excursions.
Bargeboard : A vergeboard.
Bargecourse : A part of the tiling which projects beyond the principal rafters, in buildings where there is a gable.
Bargee : A bargeman.
Bargeman : The man who manages a barge, or one of the crew of a barge.
Next : Bargemastter, Barger, Barghest, Baria, Baric, Barilla, Barillet, Baring, Barite, Baritone
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