Vocabulary : Bargemastter to Baritone

Bargemastter : The proprietor or manager of a barge, or one of the crew of a barge.
Barger : The manager of a barge.
Barghest : A goblin, in the shape of a large dog, portending misfortune.
Baria : Baryta.
Baric : Of or pertaining to barium; as, baric oxide. ;; Of or pertaining to weight, esp. to the weight or pressure of the atmosphere as measured by the barometer.
Barilla : A name given to several species of Salsola from which soda is made, by burning the barilla in heaps and lixiviating the ashes. ;; The alkali produced from the plant, being an impure carbonate of soda, used for making soap, glass, etc., and for bleaching purposes. ;; Impure soda obtained from the ashes of any seashore plant, or kelp.
Barillet : A little cask, or something resembling one.
Baring : of Bare
Barite : Native sulphate of barium, a mineral occurring in transparent, colorless, white to yellow crystals (generally tabular), also in granular form, and in compact massive forms resembling marble. It has a high specific gravity, and hence is often called heavy spar. It is a common mineral in metallic veins.
Baritone : See Barytone. ;; Grave and deep, as a kind of male voice. ;; Not marked with an accent on the last syllable, the grave accent being understood. ;; A male voice, the compass of which partakes of the common bass and the tenor, but which does not descend as low as the one, nor rise as high as the other. ;; A person having a voice of such range. ;; The viola di gamba, now entirely disused. ;; A word which has no accent marked on the last syllable, the grave accent being understood.
Next : Barium, Bark, Bark beetle, Bark louse, Barkantine, Barkbound, Barked, Barkeeper, Barken, Barkentine
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