Sniglets: Blurfle to Brattled

(Sniglets collected: 625)

Blurfle : (bler' ful) (v.) To be caught talking at the top of one's lungs when the music at the bar or disco suddenly stops.
Blushmail : the act of sending an eMail with information not intended for, or suitabl e to the ultimate r eceiver.
Bobblogesture : (bah blo JES cher) (n.) The classroom activity of not knowing an answer but raising one's hand anyway (after determining a sufficient number of other people have also raised their hands, thus reducing the likelihood of actually being called on).
Boid : the inside of a turkey before you stuff it for the holiday meal, sort of a 'bird void'
Bomca : (bahm' ka) (n.) A lubricant derived from the salivary gland used for turning bo ok pages.
Boslum : (BAHZ lum) (n.) The small metal ring on a ballpoint pen that separates the top half (MELANEXUS) f rom the bottom half (MOOSTERUS).
Bovilexia : (bo vil eks' e uh) (n.) The uncontrollable urge to lean out the car window and yell "Moo!" every time you pass a cow.
Bowlikinetics : (boh lih kih neh' tiks) (n.) The act of trying to control a released bo wling ball by twist ing one's body in the direction one wants it to go.
Bozone : (n.) The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from pe netrating. The bozo ne layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
Brattled : (brat' uld) (adj.) The unsettling feeling, at a stoplight, that the busload of kids that just pulled up beside you is making fun of you.

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