Sniglets: Dimp to Dopeler Effect

(Sniglets collected: 625)

Dimp : (dimp) n. A person who insults you in a cheap department store by asking, "Do you work here?"
Dios : the one true operating system.
Dipwavers : (dip' way vurz) (n.) People who raise their hands when riding on roller coasters.
Discombebopulated : Whenever you are driving along and you can't find a house, and you have the address in your hand, and you can't find the address, so you turn the radio down.
Disconfect : (dis kon FECT) (v.) To sterilize the piece of candy you dropped on the floor by blowing on it , somehow assuming this will "remove" all the germs.
Dognut : (dawg' nut) (n.) The giant nut on the side of a fire hydrant.
Doltergeist : a spirit that decides to haunt someplace stupid, such as your septic tank.
Door Slinky : (dor SLIN kee) (n.) The springy device attached to the back of a door that prevents the door from marring the wall.
Doork : (dawrk) (n.) A person who always pushes on a door marked "pull" or vice versa.
Dopeler Effect : The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

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