Sniglets: Houndwounding to Hystioblogination

(Sniglets collected: 625)

Houndwounding : (hownd' wown ding) (n.) Canine act of circling a spot three or four times before settling on it.
Hozone : an area where women of the night hang out.
Hozone : (ho' zohn) (n.) The place where one sock in every laundry load disappears to.
Hudnut : (hud' nuht) (n.) The leftover bolt or screw in any "some assembly required" project.
Hydralation : (hi dra lay' shun) (n.) Acclimating oneself to a cold swimming pool by bo dily regions: toe-t o-knee, knee-to-waist, waist-to-elbow, elbow-to-neck.
Hystioblogination : (his' te o blahg in ay' shun) (n.) The act of trying to identify a gift by holding it to your ear and shaking it.

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