Sniglets: Snacktrek to Spagmumps

(Sniglets collected: 625)

Snacktrek : (n.) The peculiar habit, when searching for a snack, of constantly returnin g to the refrigerat or in hopes that something new will have materialized.
Snargle : (snar' gul) (v.) To lessen the visual impact of a horror movie by filtering it through one's fingers.
Sniffleridge : (SNIF ul rij) (n.) The trough leading from the nose to the upper lip.
Sniglet : (snig'lit) (n.) Any word that doesn't appear in the dictionary, but should.
Snigletologists : people who have nothing better to do than sit around thinking up sniglets.
Snorfing : (SNORF ing) (n.) The little game waitresses love to play of waiting until yo ur mouth is full be fore sneaking up and asking, "Is everything okay?"
Snuggage : (snuh 'gaj) (n.) The act of retying both shoestrings when only one needed it .
Somnambapologist : (som nam ba pol' uh jist) (n.) Person too polite to admit he was sle eping even when awa kened at three in the morning.
Spagellum : (spa gel' um) (n.) The loose strand on each forkful of spaghetti that beats one about the chin and whiskers.
Spagmumps : (SPAG mumps) (n.) Any of the millions of Styrofoam wads that accompany mail -order items. (Also , SPAGBULLIONS: custom fitted Styrofoam blocks that accompany stereo equipment.)

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See Also : Sanjeev.NET : Word Play