Sniglets: Thermalophobia to Tirequills

(Sniglets collected: 625)

Thermalophobia : (thur muh lo fo' be uh) (n.) The fear when showering that someone will sneak in, flush th e toilet, and scald you to death.
Thermalophobia : (thur muh lo fo' be uh) n. (n.) The fear when showering that some one will sneak in, flush the toilet, and scald you to death.
Thernot : (THER not) (n.) The cardboard rod on a hanger that prevents creasing in pants .
Thingamajiggit : (thing-ah-ma-jig-it) (adj.) Anything that you can't define... (eg. "Yes terday me and my fr iends went to see the movies and the star was holding the thingamajiggit and it was SO VERY COOL!)
Thrickle : (thri' kel) (n.) The itch in the back of the throat which can't be scratched without making disgusting barnyard-type noises.
Tidnab : (n.) The opposite of a bandit; one who surreptitiously leaves items, as a neig hbor who leaves som e of his bumper crop of summer squash on your doorstep.
Tidonance : the way furniture gradually stops singing, laughing, or moving as one becomes sober.
Tiefright : (TY fryt) (n.) The fear that no matter which way you turn the twist-tie on a loaf of bread, it is the wrong direction.
Tile Comet : (tyl KOM it) (n.) Any streamer of toilet paper attached to your heel as you emerge from a public restroom.
Tirequills : (TYR kwills) (n.) The small rubbery protrusions on new tires.

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